A piece of pottery at my mum's house.
This medium-sized jug is in the form of a brown tree-trunk with a swathe of large green leaves across the upper portion and arching down to the base to provide the jug handle. One large prominent knot feature in the trunk is highlighted with yellow. Added to the right side on a basal plinth is a large fawn in a seated pose. The fawn is reddish-brown in colour with a white face. The stencilled eyes are black.
Once very much the poor relation of its grander stablemate at Hornsea, the products from Eastgate are now becoming sought after in their own right. Amongst the cheaper mass production of souvenirs, there have been rarer pieces of high quality.
As with Hornsea, the quantity of different items produced was vast.
This is the back stamp on the fawn pottery.
The numerous different backstamps used provide lots of useful information about the age of the piece, and sometimes the name of the range, the designer or the factory of manufacture. This information can greatly assist in the identification of the item and provide some history.
Printed. Appears on most early pieces pre 1967. Can also be found on some later items
Printed. The Withernsea lighthouse mark superseded the Gate from this time on items large enough to accept the stamp.
Mark ref: E1
Maker: Eastgate. Period: Early
Mark ref: E2
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